Our EQMT Collection is designed to be the staples of your closet. The "forever" pieces you will never get rid of being the perfect extra layer to your Ultracor favorites, essentials for your active lifestyle, to live in every day. And as our pledge to be sustainable, each garment is made when you order it. As we are waste conscious and do not want to not overproduce, like so much of the fast fashion today.
A sustainable garment that is made when you order it, the Plush Rib tank is refined luxury. Embrace the delicate draping and softness of the Plush Rib. This fabric possesses and lightweight quality enhancing the natural curves ensuring a high recovery that never fails to impress.
With a high neck line and a body contouring fit the hem falls right at the waist
FABRIC: 95% Micro Modal 5% Spandex
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- Plush like fabric
- Sustainable made in the USA
EQMT Plush Rib Tank